VPN Clean Removed from Russian App Store: Our Statement


On August 1, 2024, we received a notification from Apple that VPN Clean has been removed from the Russian App Store at the request of Russian authorities.

Apple cited a request from Roskomnadzor, the Russian federal executive body responsible for media and communications, claiming that our app "solicits, promotes, or encourages criminal or clearly reckless behavior." We firmly believe that VPN Clean's mission is to provide free access to information and enhance connectivity worldwide.

Apple's decision, seemingly driven by a desire to maintain its market presence in Russia, inadvertently supports an authoritarian regime. This action undermines civil society and contradicts the principles of freedom and openness that we strive to uphold.

It is disheartening to see a corporation with such significant influence align itself with authoritarian interests. We are committed to continuing our mission of providing free access to information, including for those in Russia who seek to stay connected with the global community.

Our fight for digital freedom and the rights of individuals to access information without censorship remains unwavering.

Thank you for your support.

The VPN Clean Team